
From Gospel Translations

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{{{LanguageName}}} Portal Menu
[[Portal:{{{LanguageCode}}}/Translation_Queue|Translation Queue]]
[[Portal:{{{LanguageCode}}}/Forum|Community Q&A Forum]]
This is the hub for {{{LanguageName}}} translations. News and announcements--like completed translations or requests for help--are posted in the space below, and links to a few critical translator tools are listed on the right.

In the future, we'll also post links to our content library here. In the meantime, if you have any suggestions on how we can make this portal more useful please let us know!

Recent Topics for {{{LanguageName}}} Translators

You can see recent discussion topics below, or add your own question or comment by visiting the [[Portal:{{{LanguageCode}}}/Forum|Community Q&A Forum]].

<forum> prefix=Template:TranslationPortal/ namespace=Talk addauthor=true addlasteditor=true historylink=true compact=all count=15


{{{LanguageName}}} Resources

Gospel Translations is always working on new translations. You can visit our [[{{{LanguageName}}} Resources]] page for the full list, or see the list below for a sampling of what's been updated most recently.

category={{{LanguageName}}} include={MasterHeader}:newtitle firstrevisionsince=20250123 format= ,\n*,, secseparators= , count=10


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